Reiki Distant Healing


If you or someone you know would like to receive a distant Reiki treatment, please fill out the form below. I will be happy to add you to our list as soon as you submit the form below.At the end of two weeks, I will take your name from the list, so if you or the person you have requested healing for still need healing after this time, you will need to resubmit your request. I would be happy to learn about the results of your healing experience, so please use this same form to let us know of any improvements or other experiences you have.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you.


6 Card from 1 Jul – 7 Jul

Weekly overview 6 Card reading using the major arcana

valid from the 10th Jul 2018 until the 16th June 2018

So here we go:

The card positions represent:

Current viewpoint about yourself

The High Priestess.–Science, Wisdom, Knowledge, Education.

Biggest Desire

The Devil.–Fatality for Good, the chain and fatality of the material life.

Your fears

The Emperor.–Realization, Effect, Development

What is going for you

The Hanged Man.–Self-sacrifice, Sacrifice, Devotion, Bound

What is going against you

The Fool- Will applied to evil endsWeakness of Will, Cunning.

The outcome according to your current situation

The Wheel of Fortune.–Good Fortune, Success, Unexpected Luck

If you have important choices to make trust your intuition. Do you feel that events seem to be evolving without much input from you? If so trust it and go with the flow.

Should you want a more in depth reading just inbox me on facebook ^^

6 Card from 24 Jun- 30 Jun

Weekly overview 6 Card reading using the major arcana

valid from the 24 th June 2018 until the 30th June 2018

So here we go:

The card positions represent:

Current viewpoint about yourself

The Moon.–Twilight, Deception, Error

Biggest Desire

The Lovers.–Wise Dispositions, Proof, Trials Surmounted; The risk offers excitement and change and staying as you are- well you know what that has to offer.

Your fears

The Chariot.–Triumph, Victory, Overcoming obstacles

What is going for you

The Hermit.–Prudence, Caution, Deliberation

What is going against you

The Emperor.–Realization, Effect, Development,  When seeking answers about the self, the card might also indicate that introspection is suggested, and decisions may need to be made on whether the benefits of leadership are worth the sacrifices.

The outcome according to your current situation

Death.–Death, Change, Transformation, Alteration for the worse. Discarding past encumbrances will make room for a better future. The demolition of the old and the construction of the new will not be easy or painless, but ultimately will make things better. Traditionally, transformation, mortality, destruction, deterioration. Also, in certain contexts, the Death card may represent intense sexual experiences.

Should you want a more in depth reading just inbox me on facebook ^^

6 Card from 17 Jun-23 Jun

Weekly overview 6 Card reading using the major arcana

valid from the 17th June 2018 until the 23 rd June 2018

So here we go:

The card positions represent:

Current viewpoint about yourself

The Lightning-struck Tower.–Ruin, Disruption, Over-throw, Loss, Bankruptcy

Biggest Desire

Themis, or JusticeEquilibrium, Balance, Justice

Your fears

The Last Judgment.–Renewal, Result, Determination of a Matter

What is going for you

The Juggler.Will, Will-Power, Dexterity

What is going against you

Death.–Death, Change, Transformation, Alteration for the worse. However radical events may be in your life, believe that life goes on and life is what you make of it.

The outcome according to your current situation

The Star.–Hope, Expectation, Bright promises, If considering a new love affair, new job, career change, or travel, then go for it.

Should you want a more in depth reading just inbox me on facebook ^^

6 Card from 10 Jun-16 Jun

Weekly overview 6 Card reading using the major arcana

valid from the 10th June 2018 until the 16th June 2018

So here we go:

The card positions represent:

Current viewpoint about yourself

The High Priestess.–Science, Wisdom, Knowledge, Education.

Biggest Desire

The Devil.–Fatality for Good, the chain and fatality of the material life.

Your fears

The Emperor.–Realization, Effect, Development

What is going for you

The Hanged Man.–Self-sacrifice, Sacrifice, Devotion, Bound

What is going against you

The Fool- Will applied to evil endsWeakness of Will, Cunning.

The outcome according to your current situation

The Wheel of Fortune.–Good Fortune, Success, Unexpected Luck

If you have important choices to make trust your intuition. Do you feel that events seem to be evolving without much input from you? If so trust it and go with the flow.

Should you want a more in depth reading just inbox me on facebook ^^

Herald of coming good – part 01

This is a series of the reading of the herald of coming good by G.I Gurdjeff who was was a mystic, philosopher, spiritual teacher, and composer of plays and the sacred dances.

He was the founder of the Fourth way system and so far it has had a radical impact on my life.

Well so Why? I promised that I would read the whole booklet as it was printed by Mr Gurdjeff and this is me keeping that promise. Why you tube? Well where else to find put my recording [s] so you can hear my awesome voice! reading it our loud to you.

I read as I would read to a person sitting across from me and at times this was not easy. Apart from distractions, like loosing the actual physical book, misplacing my kindle, and other such disasters the text also proved to be sometimes challenging. I kept adding words, I stutter or mispronounce words, it made me way more aware of how I was reading and articulating each individual word.

So without further delay herewith part o1 of the reading – click HERE 




Herald of coming good – part 00

This is a series of the reading of the herald of coming good by G.I Gurdjeff who was was a mystic, philosopher, spiritual teacher, and composer of plays and the sacred dances.

It is important as an introduction, by the Master himself, to his work. Written to attract students.
So what is this whole mission about ? Is it the coming of ye olde good carols? or Is it the coming of massive pre-Black Friday discounts ?. No on both counts ….

Well so Why? I promised that I would read the whole booklet as it was printed by Mr Gurdjeff and this is me keeping that promise. Why you tube? Well where else to find put my recording [s] so you can hear my awesome voice! reading it our loud to you.

I read as I would read to a person sitting across from me and at times this was not easy. Apart from distractions, like loosing the actual physical book, misplacing my kindle, and other such disasters the text also proved to be sometimes challenging. I kept adding words, I stutter or mispronounce words, it made me way more aware of how I was reading and articulating each individual word.

So without further delay herewith part oo of the reading – click HERE 




The Lover's Card


The Lover’s Card in the Tarot

As stated by the just the name, you might think that the lovers card [No.6 Major Arcana] in a Tarot deck would mean definite romance, love and marriage, perhaps but in fact the lovers card has a lot to do with relationships, sexuality, personal beliefs and values.

For most people, when they seek the advice of a psychic or one fortune teller, they want the card of lovers to appear.

Why does this happen?

The card of the lovers deals with the formation of the bonds, the feeling loved, the creation of a loving union, that recognizes a bond relationship, the sympathy that of another person, closer and closer, a connection is established, and to be intimate. The lover’s card means a world where there are no limits to intimacy, romance blossoms, and sex is passionate, but soft. At the same time, the lover’s card represents lifelong associations, companionship, and trusting another person who is in love.

Does the lover’s always appear when you are reading the Tarot cards? Are you confused by the mix of apparent meanings?

Love is a universal necessity; it is not surprising that most people feel the need for acknowledgement that they are in fact loved and not alone.

Some more details about the card:

1) The lover’s card is part of the Major Arcana in the standard Tarot Deck. Love is one of the many stages of life, and that means that it is a very important card in a reading.

2) The card represents lovers that a person is looking for a union, experiencing desire, making love, opening to love responding with passion, feeling a physical attraction, or taking advantage of the energy within them.

3) When this card is rotated, mainly, the person who is having their Tarot cards read is in a committed relationship or is seeking the attention of the opposite sex.

4) Because of the individual’s personal beliefs, they wonder who they are, trying to find what their situation is, being true to themselves, walking their way in life, respecting their own principles, or working out their own mind.

5) Its immense majority, however, the lover’s card does not represent being a loner. When dealing with the values of the person, they can be deciding what their values are at that moment, struggling with temptation, choosing between good and bad, refusing to let the end justify the means, or discovering what is truly important to them.

6) The card represents being in tune with others and an improvement in the relationships you have, especially those who are romantic in nature. This card has a clear message that we must all develop a deep connection with the others who share our lives.

When the Lovers card is inverted (reversed)
This card is a warning not to make hasty decisions, as you may regret it in the future. You have to be careful with the decisions you make and make sure they feel like the right choices in your gut. Lovers inverted also symbolizes a bad time and frustration in relationships

3) Cards that can reinforce card lovers
There are some cards in the tarot deck that mean things similar to the lovers card including cards such as:
a) The Empress
This card represents sexual satisfaction and pleasure to feel in your relationship, in addition to being very sexually active.
b) Two of Cups
This card symbolizes union, marriage, or some kind of connection. It is also presented as the happiness of the person in that relationship.
c) Nine of Cups
This card represents direct sexual pleasure. The person is promiscuous and has no scruples about his body.
d) Ten of Cups
This card represents solid permanent unions and family ties.
e) Ten of Pentacles
This card represents a person who has been in a long marriage and has full adult children, who are still close.

4) Can Tarot Card lovers help your relationship?
Many people want to know if the lover’s card will be the remedy to their relationship problems. Clear honest communication between partners is essential to help relationships. There is no “fast” “instant” cure for relationship problems, as internal change starts with you.

Saint Augustine

As I have finished reading my condensed book of Saint Augustine Confessions, I found his focus to be on the humble examination of his past life prior to his Augustine draws on the critical element of self knowledge and through that examination the acknowledgment of his own sinfulness.


The original work consisted of 13 volumes and was written in Latin between AD 397 and 400. It is significant as it is a complete record of someone living in the 5th century.

Some key points I discovered whilst reading the work:

Before the Divine can permeate the intellect the person must first gain a healthy fear of the Lord. It is worth examining the self as through knowledge of our sins and imperfections in contrast to His eternal perfection that we can hope to be infused with understanding and then perhaps wisdom to our current situation. A good place to start is a daily Ignatian Examen.

I feel that the exact list of St Augustine’s sins for the reader today (or even then) are not as important, I feel, as the fact that he openly examined his conscience and realizing his unworthiness confessed his rebellion, sins and failings and begged God for His Mercy.
Like Augustine and so many who have strayed God waits for the person to turn to Him, even slightly, so that He may forgive and heal the person. God never leaves and never stops loving each of us though we can leave His Grace through our own sins.

Augustine goes on in Books XII and XIII to speak of the creation story. My personal view is that Augustine focused on this primarily as he was now, having confessed his sins and received Divine Mercy, a new creation. In Book III of “Imitation of Christ” Thomas a’ Kempis has a prayer for the enlightenment of the mind which part of it is fitting here. “Command the winds and storms, say to the sea, ‘Be still’; and to the north wind, ‘Blow not’; and a great calm shall ensue. Send forth Thy light and Thy truth, that they may shine upon the earth; for I am as the earth that is empty and void, until Thou enlighten me. Pour forth Thy grace from above. Water my heart with the dew of Heaven. Send down the waters of devotion to wash the face of the earth, to bring forth good and perfect fruit.”

It is quite natural that Augustine who was created anew through the mercy of God would focus so heavily on the creation story. I can only imagine that after reflecting upon his conversion and the previous years of rebellion that Augustine’s mind now infused with Divine Grace was in a state of awe at the opus Dei within his life. We like Augustine merit nothing but a sure punishment for our sins and evil ways yet to the person who confesses and begs for mercy He washes away our tears, heals our wounds, unties our knots and brings us into His banquet of love. God did great things with and through Augustine because Augustine rebuked his own selfish pride (he died to self) and thereby it was through his weakness that God was strongest. A lesson I feel I need to take from Augustine is that I should not trust in my own ability for “I am as the earth” but in The One who grants “abundant life”.

Augustine uses the phrase in his ‘Confessions’ which I feel applies not only to him but to myself and so many of us who discover the God of Love and his mission for each of us- “Late have I loved Thee”.


It is the realization that despite our own rebellion and wanderings of various sorts that He has always been there loving us, waiting for us and in many persons as Francis Thompson (1859–1907) writes in the poem “The Hound of Heaven”- He pursues us tirelessly. “…’All which I took from thee I did but take, not for thy harms, but just that thou might’s seek it in My arms. All of which thy child’s mistake fancies as lost, I have stored for thee at home: rise, clasp my hand, and come!’ Halts by me that footfall: is my gloom after all, shade of His hand outstretched caressingly! ‘Ah, fondest, blindest, weakest, I am He Whom thou seekest! Thou dravest love from thee, who dravest Me.”

Like Augustine did in his ‘Confessions’ if we humble ourselves and stoop beneath the mighty Hand of God then He Himself will lift us up and create us anew allowing us through this text guidelines on how to convert.

Some Quotes


“Everything is a grace . . . everything is the direct effect of our Father’s love – difficulties, contradiction, humiliations, all the soul’s miseries, her burdens, her needs – everything, because through them she learns humility, realizes her weakness. Everything is a grace because everything is God’s gift. Whatever be the character of life or its unexpected events – to the heart that loves, all is well.” St. Therese of Lisieux, (2 January 1873 – 30 September 1897)


“Learn to do thy part and leave the rest to Heaven.”  – Cardinal John Henry Newman

“If we are intended for great ends, we are called to great hazards.”  – Cardinal John Henry Newman

“Courage does not consist in calculation, but in fighting against chances.”  – Cardinal John Henry Newman

“After the fever of life – after wearinesses, sicknesses, fightings and despondings, languor and fretfulness, struggling and failing, struggling and succeeding – after all the changes and chances of this troubled and unhealthy state, at length comes death – at length the white throne of God – at length the beatific vision.”  – Cardinal John Henry Newman



“I write to entertain my friends and exasperate our enemies. I write to record the truth of our time as best I can see it. To investigate the comedy and tragedy of human relationships. To oppose, resist, and sabotage the contemporary drift toward a global technocratic police state, whatever its ideological coloration. I write to oppose injustice, to defy power, and to speak for the voiceless. I write to make a difference.” – Edward Abbey (1927-1989)

Balance, that’s the secret. Moderate extremism. The best of both worlds.- Edward Abbey, Desert Solitaire

Every man, every woman, carries in heart and mind the image of the ideal place, the right place, the one true home, known or unknown, actual or visionary. A houseboat in Kashmir, a view down Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn, a gray gothic farmhouse two stories high at the end of a red dog road in the Allegheny Mountains, a cabin on the shore of a blue lake in spruce and fir country, a greasy alley near the Hoboken waterfront, or even, possibly, for those of a less demanding sensibility, the world to be seen from a comfortable apartment high in the tender, velvety smog of Manhattan, Chicago, Paris, Tokyo, Rio, or Rome — there’s no limit to the human capacity for the homing sentiment. – Edward Abbey, “The First Morning”, Desert Solitaire


“A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.”-GK Chesterton

“People wonder why the novel is the most popular form of literature; people wonder why it is read more than books of science or books of metaphysics. The reason is very simple; it is merely that the novel is more true than they are.”
― -GK Chesterton

“Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.” -GK Chesterton


“Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.”-Henry David Thoreau

“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”-Henry David Thoreau